Passion and drive for a better world is an important motivation for GloBLD. The vision and dream of Frans Leurink, the founder of GloBLD, is to develop a platform where it will be possible to easily bring closer contact and communication between people, companies and the spatial environment on the global level. GloBLD is the online knowledge platform for real estate projects.
I was genuinely interested in the GloBLD project, since the first meeting, as I’m inspired in general in making the world a better place. It also relates to my second masters thesis – in my second major – Science, Technology and Society.- “Co-shaping of governance and technology in the development of mobile telecommunications”. Where I analyzed how mobile technology and society co-shape and mutually influence its development. I imagine as mobile communications developed from a technical innovation to an essential infrastructure that penetrates entire society the same way we can develop a 3D representation of the spatial environment on the globe, the entire built and naturally existing environment worldwide. Back in 2008 the world worked toward global mobile infrastructure so that it would be possible European GSMs to work in the US infrastructure as well. In less than 15 years not only mobile phones are connected but everything is connected. With technology like Augmented reality the world is brought closer more than ever.
GloBLD platform is set up in accordance with the CityGML, but also offers room for expansion and includes information about buildings, transportations roads, tunnels, bridges, relief, land use, vegetation, water bodies, city furniture ets.
As Richard Baan (GloBLD Technical Director) says: “The Netherlands is facing a large number of challenges in the coming years. All buildings must be energy neutral by 2050. That means a huge improvement in sustainability in the coming years. But how do you know which measures are the best? As a housing corporation, should you strive for energy label B from 2020 or should you do all the adjustments immediately to achieve an energy-neutral property? “

The previous GloBLD website needed a redesign. The client wanted a fresh and open look and feel of the interfaces and flexible, extendable and ever evolving platform as functionality. The goal of the web site is to educate visitors about all GloBAL platform features and also to boost the credibility and gain more trust from it’s current and future clients. A modern design and easy, understandable content yet technical and informative was part of the task. All this was missing in the previous website.
GloBLD offers the most diverse and complete information for the built environment. GloBLD mission is to centralize available information in one, easy-to-use place for potential customers and all humans on the planet.
With close collaboration with the GloBLD team, we explored several different design ideas for the website to find various routes GloBLD could take to achieve their goals.
Using their core values of optimism, transparency, approachability, innovativity and ever evolving ecosystem as inspiration I proposed my vision for the User Interfaces. Also developed a visual design system of reusable components in order to create predictable user experience and make it easier for the client to create new screens after the project.

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